« There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. »
Maya Angelou
How do you get those words down that will say what you want to say ?
It can be difficult.
Listen to your desire to write !
Come to a workshop and with guidance, the words will appear on paper or on your device. It starts with words, then come sentences, situations, thoughts, atmospheres, memories … And then you realize that you’ve written a text !
Discover your own writing path, your world, your words, your stories, your style …
Creative writing :
- I give you feedbacks on texts: structure, coherence, content.
- I help you ask yourselves the right questions to go forward in your writing.
- I give creative writing workshops in English, in small groups, face to face or on skype.
- I edit content of manuscript (I have already edited several non-fiction books).
Literature tutor (text based analysis, discussion…) in different subjects of which:
- How does fiction help enhance empathy ? We will explore how fiction allows the transcription of unique experiences and helps raise sympathy.
- Writing of the self and literature. How the material of one writer’s life can become a piece of literature?
- Hidden treasures of world literature. We will discover writers that offer a very unique approach to storytelling. (ex: Mia Couto and invention of words)
- French literature. Various topics.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any questions you may have on the work I do.
Passionate about literature, I have been writing for fifteen years.
I also studied (law), worked (with refugees in Asia), raised my children (several), participated in writing workshops (which helped me), lived in different countries (Thailand, Belgium, England, France, Spain …), and learned to teach creative writing.
Why teach creative writing ?
To answer and accompany others facing this question:
How do we find the path to the texts we carry inside ?
My mother tongue is French but I have also worked in English for several years.
I have been teaching creative writing for six years now.
For me literature and writing are two sides of a same coin. They both allow us to explore through storytelling what it means to each and every one of us to be a human. The nobility of being a human. The difficulties. The possibility to develop one’s humanity.
Teaching literature and writing is about sharing knowledge, raising curiosity and empowering the whole person. It is a privilege and a responsibility to make sure that each student leaves my class with the knowledge he/she came to acquire and the confidence to use it further.